#WSC STOCKHOLM 2014: Semifinal Allocation Draw
Allocation draw for the Semifinals of #WSC, live from Stockholm.
Resultados del sorteo:
- SF1 - HALF 1: Belgium
- SF1 - HALF 1: Norway
- SF1 - HALF 1: Netherlands
- SF1 - HALF 1: Turkey
- SF1 - HALF 1: Switzerland
- SF1 - HALF 1: Cuba
- SF1 - HALF 1: Cyprus
- SF1 - HALF 1: France
- SF1 - HALF 2: Russia
- SF1 - HALF 2: Slovenia
- SF1 - HALF 2: South Korea
- SF1 - HALF 2: Canada
- SF1 - HALF 2: Finland
- SF1 - HALF 2: Romania
- SF1 - HALF 2: Belarus
- SF1 - HALF 2: Denmark
- SF2 - HALF 1: Ireland
- SF2 - HALF 1: Philippines
- SF2 - HALF 1: Ukraine
- SF2 - HALF 1: South Africa
- SF2 - HALF 1: Hungary
- SF2 - HALF 1: United Kingdom
- SF2 - HALF 1: Malta
- SF2 - HALF 1: Germany
- SF2 - HALF 2: Mexico
- SF2 - HALF 2: United States
- SF2 - HALF 2: New Zealand
- SF2 - HALF 2: Italy
- SF2 - HALF 2: Nigeria
- SF2 - HALF 2: Estonia
- SF2 - HALF 2: Jamaica
- SF2 - HALF 2: Bulgaria
Tipo de sorteo: Sorteo en general
Accesibilidad del sorteo: El sorteo es público. Todo el mundo podrá acceder a él desde el listado de sorteos guardados.
Lista de participantes: Hungary, South Korea, Denmark, Ukraine, Netherlands, Romania, United States, Finland, Germany, Philippines, New Zealand, Estonia, Ireland, United Kingdom, Slovenia, South Africa, Canada, Russia, Jamaica, Belgium, Nigeria, France, Belarus, Norway, Bulgaria, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Turkey, Cuba, Cyprus, Malta.
Ver la lista de participantes
Añadido por anonimo: El martes 14 de octubre de 2014 a las 21:25
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